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Audials – Locally Choose Global Sounds

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With over 80,000 stations playing more than 120 musical genres, Audials Radio offers lovers of music an endless choice of sources from which to play sounds that you love. These stations are not just in the U.S.; no, they come from all over the world. Audials acts like a musical hub, allowing users to search through their treasure trove to select stations they find interesting. Sure, there are lots of other apps out there that stream live music, but they don’t offer something that Audials does.

With Audials Radio, you can record something you really like and listen to it later. Who lets you do that?

Sometimes the stream may play your favorite song, or just something you stumble across that you can’t listen to entirely. The recording function allows you save it so you can listen to it later. What is really neat is that you are not required to create an account within the app to record music or shows.

Not only does it have music, but it also offers streaming sources that play videos as well, so you can record shows.

Its strongest point, and something I really liked, is the ability to quickly search for and find what you want. It allows you to hop from station to station within genres or based on artists you love listening to. It beats using any search function, which most of the time, can eat up a lot of data and time.

The next strongest point is the fact that the app is commercial free. Imagine that. I have never seen a free app that does not interrupt the smooth transmission of music with annoying disruptions.

Navigating around the app is just as easy as listening to what it plays. The displays are crisp, clean, and colorful in just the right amounts. I loved the font that is used because it made it so much more easy to read and find the stations you wanted to, without jumbling or cramming things up.

If you are not in the mood for global sounds, there are plenty of local options to choose from. This means within the U.S. or within your metro area. The choice is yours!

The sounds that come from the app rival any that you would get from a quality speaker system. The app is powered to a degree that supports smooth streaming, without buffering – another annoyance I hate.

Another nice feature that I know I will be making great use of is the timer. You can find an amazingly peaceful and mesmerizing station that calms your mind and puts you to sleep. I would definitely set that up on timer to put me into a peaceful sleep – every night.

The only downside is the inability to move the recordings from your phone over to another device so you can listen from there; however, in all fairness, the ability to record is something that overshadows this one small shortcoming.

Download Audials Radio soon, because you don’t want to waste any more time listening to the same old stuff over and over again. Broaden your auditory horizons with Audials and you’ll discover sounds you never knew existed!

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