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Bearer of Good News! News Tab: Beautiful NewsReader

News Tab Beautiful NewsReader

What we try to be is organised, but due to the hustle and bustle of life it is not always possible. At least with News Tab: Beautiful NewsReader, you are assured organised news from the time you grab your first cup of joe.

Does it not sound attractive? A place where all the news that does not interest you is weeded out and what is left is all that you care for. News Tab is designed to do exactly that, and do it beautifully all at the same time.

The most striking feature has to be an enthralling blue widget that takes the form of news thumbnails and immediately casts a tranquil veil over your news reading time. Scrolling down, start catching up with the latest scoops in your region, provided by Google News feeds.

Choose from all news or the best top twenty stories. Once you get comfortable, it is a breeze to begin bringing together your favorite news sources to one complete and organised space.

Sift through popular and local publishers, and leading topics. After locating or searching for your favorite news sources add them to your library and explore the stories they have to offer. Move from reading about technology to politics with the swipe of a finger. It is all up to you!

Take pleasure in skipping all the unwanted information and surround yourself with only the reports you wish to read. Get used to having all the latest and most interesting stories at your fingertips.


Who needs to pick up a newspaper, spend time rummaging through the web, or waste time scrolling through social platforms. With News Tab it is possible to keep track of all the news you want to read in a flash. Now that is good news to me! There is also a Chrome extension available for this app.

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