Fighting fat is hard. We have all had to face the music at some time or another when we try on those pants that just won’t button up, or when the shirt you used to love now stretches ever so slightly across the belly.
When that time comes, you know you have to take action. But, that action has to be the right action. You can run around the block only so many times before you realize it’s doing you no good.
That’s where Slow Burn can help. Slow Burn is an exercise phenomena developed by Fred Hahn. The Slow Burn takes his findings and puts the theory to work in an app, formulating it into a program that anyone can download and benefit from.
The basics behind Slow Burn is that you get multiple levels of benefits by breaking down focused sets of exercise over a long period, into a long period that consists of multiple types of exercises, each done in shorter intervals and interspersed.
For instance, instead of doing a total of 50 squats in 5 sets of 10 each, you would do 5 sets of 5 squats and 5 leg lifts. You would each of the 5 sets as: 5 squats and 5 leg lifts.
Free to install, Slow Burn takes the guess work out of exercise and advises on the best way to burn calories and fat, so you have control and guidance on how get to your goal in a way that you can stick with and that provides easy consistent burn.
Because it’s free, there will be ads. If you want to avoid them, you can make an in-app purchase to bar them from your installation. Although, I will say that the ads were not distracting in the very least.
When you see the main screen, simply tap on Start to begin. From here the app asks how many sets you wish to do. You simply enter the number and then start. Then, as you finish a set of exercises, you simply tap the circle that’s in the center of the screen to move on to the next set. All you have to do is keep track of the different exercises you are doing per set and make sure you complete the number that is required.
The app also keeps track of how much time you spend on each set, so you can see your performance. You can even use this number to set a goal to finish a set within so many seconds.
I was kind of expecting a bit more out of the app in term of being able to use the timing data. It would be nice if the app saves that information and allows you to use the historical information to set goals for improvement.
Nonetheless, this app certainly helps make it a lot easier to follow the Slow Burn tactic behind getting more out of the exercise you do, without killing yourself. It helps you stay focused and stick with any program you choose to do.