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Spare My hair Provides Accessibility to Hair Loss Prevention and Products

Spare My Hair

Hair loss is no fun; and it seems these days you see more people at younger ages exhibiting signs of thinning hair. Scalps are more visible, the hair is sparse. It is a mystery as to why this is happening at such an alarming rate. Thankfully, there are lots of solutions out there to help. You just have to find the right one.

If you are looking for a smart solution, then you need to download Spare My Hair. Spare My Hair is an app that gives you access to a doctor who has formulated her own line of hair loss prevention products along with giving you access to the products, too.

After you download the app, you will have an opportunity to make an appointment with Dr. Soliman. Now, keep in mind that her office is in the greater Los Angeles area. Fear not, you will not have to make a trip to see her. The app sets you up with a video conference so your initial consultation with her is live. She asks questions about diet, exercise, family history, lifestyle and more, to understand better the environment you are a part of, which helps determine possible causes for the hair loss.

Once she determines what you need, she advises on a program for you to follow. This will involve items from the Spare My Hair product line, to be used on the hair and scalp and some to be taking internally – just as supplements and vitamins.

Here is where the strength of the app shines. You can then order everything that you need through the app. You don’t have to go searching for a site that sells the items. The app has it all. And everything you use is genuine. Dr. Soliman has formulated all of the items in the Spare My Hair line, so you know you are getting quality products.

I especially liked the chat rooms where I could share my specific issue with others having the same problems. Everyone’s hair and scalp makeup is different, so being able to talk to someone with a similar problem to discuss how they best use the products helps enormously.

Along with the chat rooms, you get periodic check in appointments so the doctor can make sure that your program is working, and make any adjustments that may be needed.

I would like to see better notifications coming from the app when a fellow hair loss sufferer has something to share. I would also like to see the ability to put certain products on auto refill, just like my prescriptions, so I know I will never run out.

Those are both things I can wait for. For now, Spare My Hair has made me feel better about a new approach I just embarked upon to help my head keep its shiny locks in place.

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