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TeachMe App Develops Your Child’s Capabilities


When kids are out of school, sometimes it can be hard to keep them occupied. Due to the ongoing pandemic, kids are becoming more susceptible to boredom, and loss of interest in studies has become a major concern for many parents. Parents typically reach for electronic devices like smartphones and tablets for kids to play with, when they are bored or when parents are working from home and require no disturbance. With a lot of apps directed towards kids, it can be difficult to figure out which apps are safe, kid-friendly, and worth downloading (and even buying).

TeachMe: Kindergarten, available on the iOS platform is a learning product directed towards the development of a child’s numerical and vocabulary capabilities. TeachMe: Kindergarten is a fun way to learn Kindergarten level subjects: addition, subtraction, sight words, spelling, and writing letters and numbers. The app will surely catch a child’s eye at first sight with its bright color combination and a talking mouse ready to mentor the child.

The assisting voice is perfectly understandable and tuned to encourage a child to learn more. You can create several players and brighten them up with cute animal avatars. The players are customizable and can be customized by the parents to include or remove topics of learning and set goals for their kids to earn rewards. The app is also left-handed friendly and can be switched on to fulfill your child’s needs.

Teach Town has three scenes, a School, a Fish Store, and an Art Store. Teach town has a school for your kids to play and learn all kinds of primary level number and word games. As they progress and learn, they earn coins as a reward on completion of each level. This app will also help your child with its handwriting features, which requires the child to follow the strokes to write numbers and letters correctly. Teach Town has the Fish Store for the kids to create their version of a virtual fish tank and the Art Store to make their art. The coins they earn from completing learning tasks can then be spent to buy supplies for their fish tank and their paintings.

This engaging technique that TeachMe: Kindergarten has come up with, will surely keep kids hooked to this edu-game. The app will also help your child with its handwriting features, which requires the child to follow the strokes to write numbers and letters correctly.

TeachMe: Kindergarten has provided an option for a parental lock. Turning on parental lock prevents unnecessary change of settings by a kid, as providing a passcode becomes mandatory to make any changes to the setting. Kids being curious tend to wander a lot, so you can also lock switching of player to keep your child in a direction towards completion. The interface is very smooth and is designed for landscape orientation. The app works perfectly both on an iPad and an iPhone.

This learning app is a perfect way to keep boredom away from your kids and increase their curiosity and will to learn.

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