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USB Lockit Protects Your Data in USB drives

USB Lockit

Data security has been the most important topic in the world of computer science since the past decade and there have been many applications, both in smartphone and in computers that claim to help protect your devices completely from any kind of data theft. However, there are not many that are as good as USB Lockit app for Android smartphones. It’s based on a completely new technology and concept that makes it a lot different from all other apps in the store, in the way that it actually does what it claims to! Unlike most free apps available in the app store that are filled with bugs and advertisements and asks you to pay a significant amount of money.

And while it can be easy to protect files in your computer by setting security permissions and have them password locked, there are not many effective ways to protect your USB sticks or external hard disks. Sure, you can try to make some of the files hidden, but that’s a temporary workaround and not a technically effective solution either. The best way is to download this app from Play Store, and password protect all your files and folders with a PIN combo!

But why go that path when you can eaily download USB Lockit app from the Google Play Store? That way, you will be keeping all your files and folders secure in your drives, without having to invest money on it. You can now protect various kinds of files, be it photos, or songs, or video files from your last vacation, or important documents and presentations of business importance, you can protect them all with this USB Lockit app. Once you have these files locked with the app, nobody can access these without knowing the key. It’s like a safehouse for your data with only you having the key to open it.

All you have to do is follow three simple steps from your smartphone.

1. Download the USB Lockit app from the Google Play Store for free.

2. To safeguard the data on the USB drive, create a PIN combination and click on the lock button. Once you click on lock, nobody can open, modify or delete any data from the drive and your data remains completely safe.

3. If you want to unlock the USB drive to access your files, you enter the PIN and select on the unlock button. Make sure you never forget the PIN or you might lose your own data.

4. To again lock you data, just click on the lock button, and you don’t have to use your PIN number every time for closing. The PIN combination is only needed when you want to unlock the drive.

This app can work with any USB drive, no matter who manufactured it, but provided it should be formatted with FAT32 data file system. It can also work with your portable external hard drives as well, no matter how large or how small the storage capacity of it is.

Right now USB Lockit is available for Windows and Android. It’s a very light weight app for your phone and can work in almost any smartphone that is based on Android architecture. You don’t have to pay a single penny for any features of the app.

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