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Keep it Together with FileCalendar

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Wouldn’t it be nice to have all the information you need when you call into a meeting from a remote location and not have to search emails and cloud storage sites? The current Calendar app on iOS devices does not allow for attachments or links to files, but you can get this invaluable feature by downloading FileCalendar.

FileCalendar is an app that builds off of your current Calendar app to enhance it with a file management system. While it’s not a repository, it allows you to attach all sorts of documents to events in your calendar. Documents can be notes, lists, photos, videos, presentations, and more.

It’s great for any type of organizational work you do, whether it be in the office or at home. You could be prepping for a board meeting or planning a birthday party. Either way, everything you need is now at your fingertips with FileCalendar.

In its most recent offering, it allows users to view in Weekly mode, and allows for you to see all of your documents for the week, so they are easier to find. Documents are identified in such a way so you know their type, like PNG, DOC or ZIP. One importing thing to note is that while events are synced across your iOS devices, the files will not be. That means that files uploaded or created on your iPhone will only reside on the iPhone, not to your iPad. The same goes for the iPad.

That brings me to the next great feature I’d like to highlight. You can zip up files and unzip them from within FileCalendar, so it’s easy to import one zip file for an event and access the contents individually.

Using it is a snap. You simply open the calendar from within the app, move to the day in question, tap on the event, or create one if not already there, then tap on the plus sign to upload a document. Documents can come from a ton of sources: Dropbox, iCloudDrive, GoogleDrive, email, and many other apps. Files can be uploaded from within the app or sent to FileCalendar.

To really make things super resourceful, you can take photos and videos from within the event so that the files automatically link to them. These file can then be sent to the cloud or shared via email. The uses are endless. For meetings, you could be taking photos of new documents or whiteboard notes. On a more personal level, it could mean being able to take photos of a party and instantly sharing with all the invitees.

What I would really like to see is the ability to share through some social media, like Facebook or Instagram. How about making the file storage for the app cloud based so that all connected devices have access to all the files?

Even without those added niceties, FileCalendar is something no one should live without. Once I downloaded it, I could not imagine not having it. I have found so many valuable ways to use it, I’d be lost without it.

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