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Spice up Your Day with Syncrohearts Love Game

There are a lot of different love games on the market, but most couples know that you usually don’t need much for the ones that are the most fun. Syncrohearts Love Game is an app for the iOS platform (it works on both the iPhone and the iPad) that is looking to enter this swollen market. It is a simple app that lets a couple play a digital card game with each other. The cards usually are simple, and seek to encourage conversation, communication, and compliments between the couple.  The app is simple, so it does not have any real function issues. There are moments when the players wish that the cards had been a tiny bit more creative for a larger variety, but the app accomplishes its goal well overall.

Syncrohearts homescreen
Syncrohearts homescreen Syncrohearts homescreen

The game is easy: the couple takes turns picking cards from four different categories. The game ends when one person gets their score to one hundred, but points are randomly awarded, so this is really just a timing thing. The fact that the competition is completely randomized is important, because if it pitted skill against skill some of the more competitive personalities would quickly start straying from the purpose of the game which is to feel good and increase conversation between partners.

The cards fall into four categories: 4Fun cards, Couple cards, Insight cards, and Hot Stuff cards. The cards vary in degree of intimacy, which makes the app a little more versatile in what it can accomplish. For a fun night with a relatively new flame, try and stick more to the 4Fun and Hot Stuff categories, with a few Couple cards thrown in to learn a little bit more about each other. If a more intimate night is desired with a long term relation, tread heavier in the other end of the spectrum, tossing in a few Hot Stuff or 4Fun cards to lighten the mood. Many of the cards are prompts to stimulate couples to really talk about a relationship. This can be awkward at first, but can be exactly what a relationship needs. This app can be a great way to stimulate that.

Syncrohearts instructions screen
Syncrohearts instructions screen Syncrohearts instructions screen

Syncrohearts Love Game does not have a depth of function, which is good because it makes it easy to use and nearly impossible to malfunction. However, it can also sometimes fall a little short in variety within the cards. To really get the most out of the game, couples will find they need to get a little creative on their own. Syncrohearts Love Game encourages this, with a lot of the rewards and prompts simply being jumping points for longer conversations. If it is played too much, the different cards can start seeming a little repetitive. It is not hard for couples to make the adjustments though, making up little games within games that can really spice things up. The beauty of Syncrohearts Love Game really lies in what is brought to the table by the couple, which is as good a measure for a relationship app as it is for a relationship.

Syncrohearts Love Game does not try to do anything fancy or overwhelming, and puts most of the control in the couples hands as it should be. With a little bit of creativity couples will find an entertaining game that really does help them talk a little bit more about their relationship. And always remember, you can stop and resume the game whenever you want.

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