The game story is around a prophet, Mefasim, who found the player, and thinks that the player is the one who can save his world Azedeem from the upcoming danger it will face. During the scenario, the prophet explains that …
The demand for programmers is skyrocketing worldwide, as industry reports reveal that an estimated one million unfulfilled coding jobs will flood the United States market alone by next year. This presents a world of opportunity not just for IT graduates …
Have you ever think that managing your budget and expense is how much important? Probably not because it just not important at all. But to secure our financial future we have to track our expense properly. So to make this …
I want to give you quick heads up to let you know that smartphone app is no longer just for people. As a dog owner, you can’t give yourself all time to schedule activities for your dog. Plus, tracking activities …
Are you tired of the regular Barcode Scanner application you have on your Android device? Do you want something a little more exciting? Well luckily for you, you have that now. QR Scanner Rewards is a new application created by …
I don’t which one is your case: do you have plenty of workers doing their jobs outside and you are always concerned about their safety? You know, if they have the right tools at their mobile, they could be safe …