Modern organizations are highly complex and overburdened by performing several activities. To do the tasks efficiently the manager has to be on his toes to oversee the human resources, the keystone of an enterprise. iFlow is an app that aids you in this process. Whether it is the task of generating timesheets or processing leave applications, iFlow is a fast and hassle-free solution for your company’s HR and other departments. You can register on this app for free!
Planning is central to the success of a business enterprise. iFlow makes it super easy to record and plan your employees’ working hours. All you need to do is create an account on the app and fill in your company’s details. iFlow offers several functionalities and settings such as predefined vacation leave, predefined work schedule and so on. Once you finish this initial set up, you can go on to add your employees. There are 3 ways to do it – Import Employees, Add Employees or Export from Revisal. ‘Import Employees’ function is quite efficient as you don’t have to manually enter the details rather you get them automatically filled from an existing template. Moreover, by giving access to the application to your employees, they can file their leave applications and the time table will be automatically updated.

iFlow also allows you to create teams of your employees, which is something the organizations with a large number of employees usually require. It also features the option of adding events such as paid leave, medical leave, extra hours and so on. From the attendance sheet to table vouchers and employees’ data, everything is available under the ‘Reports’ tab. You can download these reports in excel format or print them directly. One outstanding feature of iFlow is that it allows you to upload documents directly on the app. So, you can upload your medical documents if you happen to be on a medical leave. Digitizing and simplifying the processing of such mundane tasks allow the manager to focus on more important activities. This leads to a higher revenue generation for the enterprise and improved satisfaction of the employees.
As far as the interface of iFlow is considered, it is pretty user-friendly and ergonomic. It can be accessed from anywhere and any device with just an internet connection. This is in sharp contrast to other platforms of timekeeping such as excel that has limitations of accessibility. iFlow is made even more user-friendly by enabling it to alert you whenever there are errors. By sending warning messages, it prompts you to take remedial steps as soon as error occurs so that their cost is drastically reduced.
On the other hand, there are a few shortcomings in the app. For one there are small bugs which does not allow the app to function in certain conditions. Also, some accessibility issues from mobile devices have been raised that the company has claimed to have addressed, but they may occur again. iFlow can appear to be a little cumbersome for small enterprises such as startups. A lite version can be designed for them. And lastly, the mobile app is not available in all the countries yet.
Notwithstanding these small limitations, iFlow is a great app designed to digitize and automate the timesheet and leave records of the employees. Its compatibility with various devices and integration with other software make it an ideal solution for a complex HR department.