iLA, which stands for Inspired Living Application is the first and only mobile app that makes it possible for the average every day person to profit from the exploding application industry. The Inspired Living App will deliver a weekly, 9 or so minute long personal development video to an associates mobile device or website. As a $9.95 per month subscriber you will also have access to the archive library of all past content as well.
There is s simple and cheap way to invite all your personal contacts to take a look at the app as well. This vision of creating a pyramid of connections to make you money is the claimed to be the most successful way to create a business. This type of business model has tremendous appeal to the new people first starting to use the app because of how cheap it is.

This app is a compensation plan. Meaning it is a pyramid of 3×7 matrix. Meaning the user will need to recruit, and that is the only way to make money. Depending on how much you recruit, and then the people you get on board recruit, will determine you monthly pay out. iLA is an interesting business idea, combining the popularity of apps with network marketing. The productivity of this application seems to be pretty legitimate and the developer has a good success record.
The Inspired Living Application appeals to people who desire the tools the App provides such as people who wish to better administer their business or people who wish to have personal growth and motivational material such as Entrepreneurs.

What This App Will Do For You
Goal setting- set your goals to what you want your personal development to be
Time Management- strategically set your time to attain your goals (stated above)
Personal development- exceed your expectations of yourself and keep everyone amazed as you start your own successful business
Business development- create a network of people, earn monthly income, discover what it is like to be your own boss
Leadership development- find out what it is like to lead a group or crowd into professionalism
Wealth building and financial management – finally gain the financial freedom you deserve and have been waiting for
Personal motivation and more- find who are and what you are capable of through the videos provided and the opportunities that arise just from believing in yourself
If you don’t expect to put much work into this, do not expect much to come out of it. This is a marketing tool for you to use at your convenience. If you want the pay out to be spectacular and more than you ever imagined then you need to put more work in than just the average day.
Another thing that is sketchy about this application is that the numbers can rise without a click of the mouse. This is cause for people to think it is a scam. There is nothing that can be found that it is a scam, but there is also nothing out these to say that it is not. So as an avid person, who is constantly looking for a way to put extra money in my pocket, try at your own risk.