Light Arrow Inc. has skillfully developed an app to personalize your daily schedule and provide you a better access to your day to day toils. My.Agenda version 1.0.1 reduces your morning stress regarding appointments, to-do lists and reminders for the whole week. This app helps you to have a glance upon the calendar, reminders, appointments, to-do list; all at the same screen. You can manage and alternate your daily tasks and appointments without using separate apps one after the other. My.Agenda is a universal app that works smoothly with the built-in iOS calendars and online calendars as well.
This 16.1 MB sized app needs to be bought once and you can use it in all your other compatible devices. You may start small with this app but there is an extended add-up facility prevailing in it. The start-up process is quite easy. Entering the built in process, you get to choose to add productivity topics such as education, bookmarks, finances, events, health+activity or productivity packages such as event planning packages, organized home pack and so on. After the completion of topic purchase, you receive touch points which are basically connections which help in sharing relevant information regarding My.Agenda topics.

My.Agenda provides a customized and dynamic view of the calendar with simple day-week-month-year layout. Various options are available in this calendar view, namely- device reminders, My.Agenda reminders, device events, appointments and tasks that can be directly viewed and managed accordingly. The calendar can also be customized to view only the items you want to look at.
Next is the creation of check-lists and to-do lists on the go. You can create new lists by re-using the checklists. There is also a strike-off option for the tasks completed so that you do not get confused. Prioritization of tasks is also a useful feature of this app that includes- manage due dates, effort, location and more. This provides a classified view of your chosen tasks.

The navigation part of My.Agenda is also commendable as it provides an efficient access to search for the required item from the search view. You have to bookmark the selected items on the hot list and update these items with the help of Quick menu option to enhance the add-up process.
There is a provision of security code for this classified information. It can also be treated as a drawback as if unfortunately you don’t remember the code; all the information is lost at once even with the availability of the efficient Back-up option through drop-box. Also this app uses much of your battery life.
Over all My.Agenda is a time-saving and efficient app which is ideal for the working class population costing only $0.99.
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