Are you bored out of existence at your uncle’s party and long to delve into the magic world of comics?? Are you longing to enter the comic world of monsters and heroes, but your mother is weary of you for constantly burying yourself in your favorite books?? Here to the rescue is NARR8, an app designed exclusively to cater to the reading desires of the genx. It is a unique channel for knowledgeable, delightful and an enriching experience of a new series of dynamic comics and fiction and nonfiction graphic novels.
An entertaining app, NARR8 is available for free on the app store link. Developed by NARR8 Limited, it supports English and Russian languages. With a space requirement of 9.7 MB, it requires an iOS of 5.1 or later. Its latest version being 1.0.3 is found to be compatible with iPad.

Its features include rich and interactive series of your favorite comics as you watch them coming alive on your iPad screens with an unparalleled, exceptional use of animation, HD audio and special effects with a rich and overflowing variety of themes like mythology, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, world history and more. It offers new episodes on every update. With an interactive and user-friendly environment, it charms its viewers and keeps its readers hanging onto it.
NARR8 app, when first installed lists only the available series of comic strips and motion novels with short stream review videos and user ratings, enhancing the compatibility factor. Once you have listed out your choice, you get subscribed to it and you can then download the series. Though each episode of the series comes as a new update, it cannot be deleted individually. The series can only be removed as and when desired, along with all its related contents.
Navigation through the comic is a child’s play. You can move on to the next frame of the picture by tapping an arrow in the lower right corner of the screen. Further, the table of contents opens up, by tapping in the top right corner and at the top left corner you have the option to return to the main NARR8 screen.

The sound quality and transition between the frames is presentable and a pleasure to the ears. The visual quality created by its artists is worth praise with clear, concise images, no blurriness even on zooming in, for further enlargement of the pictures. You can also keep an update about your friends’ latest reading mania through facebook and twitter and also share the episodes that you are currently reading.
As said, a man comes with his success and failures; similarly this app is not without its cons. Though the app NARR8 provides you with an option of sharing your current progress with your peers, but its automatic updates sometimes goes beyond the comfort zone. The problem that you can face sometimes is that, if for an example you are reading a comic strip, the app may update it, say, thrice on your facebook page, with its automated generated comments. While you may not have such good views about the particular comic, but its restricted area of comments may prevent you from voicing your opinions.
An entertaining, educational mobile app, NARR8, delivers something different, unique in its field, and out of the box, innovative sci-fi, goosebumps, mild cartoons, violent, love stories. It is a mode of delivering the comic maniacs with their regular dose of delightful stories, articles and motion comics.
Though a NARR8, it might as well tap some of its features on a chargeable basis, as the current increasing user ratings and reviews shows. Summing up, it can be said that this app is a welcome wonderland for all its avid readers.