AppsandApplications Articles.

There are tons of word games out there, but what I see so much of is games like Ruzzle. It’s a game in which you’re presented with a matrix of letters and a two minute timer. Your goal is to …

Picture this – you’re at a friend’s party, you see someone that you find extremely interesting and would like to get to know better. Problem is, you don’t quite know how you want to approach them. It takes a certain …

The internet can be a scary place. Not because of what you might see or get exposed to, but because of what you can’t see. There are predators out there looking to collect information that you would never share. It …

We’ve all seen it at the Olympics. Not many of us have followed beyond that venue, but curling has taken on a more prominent stature in society, as more folks grow increasingly more curious about it, what’s at stake and …

Sometimes, you just need to let it out without the fear of judgment and feel supported; to know you are not the only one struggling and interact with others who get you. Getting professional help is great but often it …