Facearound, an app developed by a team of Italy’s Business Competence is a platform for social networking, for a viral reach of exchanges among friends in the networking arena. An app built to cater to the need of being connected with the world, provides an opportunity to promote a local deal or an activity. Its sharing mechanism plus the huge extension of the Facebook database is an interesting concept, a new idea for extending your customers. Testable for free until the end of 2012, the deal tailor-made Facearound app will be available on subscription quarterly, semi-annually or annually, starting from 3 to 5 Euros, per month.
Facearound an app conceived for iPad and iPhone users provides a platform for sharing reviews and discovering the high and lows of the places around you. Following the advices of your Facebook friends and other users, you can be judgmental in your opinion about the shops, bars, restaurants and others. Take advantage of the offers, deals, events and discounts laid by shopkeepers and your service providers, be the first to enjoy the unique deals provided.

Are you at head logs with your companion on an outing trip regarding a conflict of choices? Read the tips and comments of your Facebook friends and other users. You can also write your own reviews and publish ratings. Facearound lets you explore everything around you, i.e. besides the shops and restaurants, it also fills you on the nearby florists, cobblers, a stationary or a gift shop to buy a present for a friend. Thanks to geolocalization, it knows about your location and serves as an ideal guide to places and things. Also, you can just scroll the map if you want to explore a different zone or city. Ratings and tips by others prove as an excellent resource for sightseeing and updated information on places in a foreign land. Highlighted with different colors, it brings to your notice the different aspects of your field of interest, like locating places on the map proves to be easier and efficient with this unique feature.

The app works based on the following mechanism: – when you select a location or type it in the search box, you will be provided with all the nearby venues like shopping malls, coffee shops, restaurants, etc. You have to tap on one of them to discover the details about it. It may also be a discount offer like a 10% off on a piece of clothing in reputed merchandise. Accordingly, all the places will be marked with different colors symbolizing a discount tag or a review.
With a space requirement of 18.8 MB, Facearound requires iPhone and iPad with iOS 4.3 or later. It supports English, German, Spanish and Northern Sami. This app is optimized for iPhone 5. This app is a geo location service, similar to Google maps, one on which you can count on, as a reliable guide.