Social networking with pictures is all the rage with so many apps that allow you to take a pic and upload it for sharing. In some apps, the pics are good for a limited time, depending on what you choose. In others, they pics stick around for a while. In most, those who can see your pics can give them a thumbs up or down, post comments, repost and share, for the world to see.
Most apps don’t have the sophistication that Likeability has in terms of putting photos at the top of the heap based on their popularity. How does a picture get popular, you ask? Well, with all the thumbs up and good ratings it gets, it earns points which catapults it stardom.
Now you are probably wondering why you would need your picture to be the first thing that anyone see? Imagine you have a business, or you are running a promotion for a cause. You post products you sell or anything related to the subject matter you are trying to promote. Get enough likes in the app and set enough tags on those photos and you will gain exposure that will transcend your business from unknown to talk of the town.
Gone are the days of tweeting specials and quick draws to customers to get their attention. Visuals are the way to go now with apps that show what you have, not tell. When you download the app for the very first time, you’ll be asked to create an account. This can be through an email or through your Facebook account. I would highly recommend a Facebook account for your business, if you have, for the simple fact that you will be exponentially spreading your exposure instantly.

Inside the app, you can build a profile that speaks volumes about all that you have to offer. If your profile is personal, then it’s all about you and what you like to do. If it’s for your business, this is where you unleash what your business offers and get creative. The more you upload the more chances you have of someone liking what you have and your popularity growing stronger.
Uploads are unlimited, so don’t let that hold you back. Be sure to add plenty of tags related to each of your photos. This is another easy way to make sure your photos show when other members search on particular subject matters. For instance, if your business sells customized cell phone covers, be sure to put tags like #cellphone, #smartphone, #cover, #custom, and more. Your photo will show if anyone is looking for anything related to any of those tags.
The only thing I was not too happy about with the app was the amount of time it took me to figure out how to use it. It features a very simple interface based mostly on icons, giving it a very Zen like aura. However, it takes a few trial taps to figure out what each icon at the bottom of the screen does.
Yet, this is still a great way to provide a live interactive way to promote something important to you, to let the world know about it in a fun way.