Videos capture the story of our lives. Without them, we could not remember the squeals of joy our daughters made when surprised on their Sweet 16’s. Without them, we would not remember the gentle sounds our babies made while sound asleep. Without them, we would not remember the adventure experienced on that vacation of a lifetime.
Videos are not just for memories, but for entertainment as well. There are tons of sites out there that offer movies, TV serials and more. The issue is with what format they are stored.
If you have a Mac and use it often to play videos, then you have all that you need with MacX Video Converter Pro to get videos of all kinds and be able to play them on your Mac.
MacX Video Converter Pro offers a plethora of tools to select formats, aspect ratios, and settings for quality.
Installation is a breeze, as is always the case with anything Apple, and it works seamlessly with almost any browser.
As part of the installation process, the application will prompt you to enter the number of “cores” on your machine to dedicate to transcoding. This allows you to set a limit on how may processors the application will use while performing its translation, which is a plus if you plan on doing something else in parallel.
Luckily, the transcoding screen does come with lots of presets, but be sure to read up on what you get for each value. You can easily go with the presets, but your particular conversion may require special parameters.
Conversion is not the only thing that this app can do. You can piece together video clips from all over, after conversions of course, and make home-grown movies. I had the most fun doing this, and it was so easy. I can’t tell you how many video clips I had saved over the years, and I kept telling myself I would create something magical out of them. Never did until I found this app, which made it effortless.
These videos can then be saved in formats that will run on your iPhone, iPad, HTC One, Samsung Galaxy and more. Yes, you can share with everyone, even if they don’t own an Apple device!
A really neat feature in this latest revision is the ability to capture video from the Mac itself. You can also create slideshows and tack on background music to boot. It’s all built in and very easy to use, which is why this application beats its competitors hands down.
I really cannot say much about what is missing in this application. I was hooked the minute I started using it. The downside with anything Mac is of course the price. This app sets you back more than if you were to purchase another application. However, every extra dollar you spend on this application will get you far more than you could ever imagine. I promise you.
If you watch or make videos often, or if you plan on doing so, then I highly recommend that you make an investment in yourself and buy MacX Video Converter Pro. This is one purchase you won’t ever regret making.