Ever wonder if there was an easy way to know if something was worth buying? We often find ourselves wanting things we just have to have, but end up having buyer’s remorse at times, because the purchase fell short of expectations. Well, worry no more…download Musthaver now and hook into a wide network of consumers who are just like you. They have joined the Musthaver network to share items they love or would love to have. Explore items you may not have come across, yet. Get to know what is most popular in particular consumer markets. Share what you love about things you already have and things you want to have.
This app is social networking with a purpose to help fellow shoppers. Download the app and login via Facebook or Twitter. Connections from both of these apps allow for an even wider choice of items to search through and learn about. When you share your thoughts, opinions or ratings of items listed in Musthaver, they automatically appear in Facebook or Twitter, so your followers in all three apps can see what you are up to.
When you get into the app, you will see a nicely laid out set of options at the bottom of the screen. They allow you to explore, connect with others, add items you have or want, and update your profile. When viewing your own items or items others have added to the collection, they are displayed in a neat layout, including a picture, three icons just below the picture showing if it’s a HAVE or WANT, and the option to add comments about the item. Items can be just about anything. I’ve seen cars, laptops and cellphones, in addition to food and accessories.

The sky is the limit on where you can take this app and how useful you can make it for yourself. Every app has its intended uses, but delve a little deeper and you may find new meaning to a function meant for something else.
One possible use for the app is to use it for gift-giving. If everyone you know, whom you wish to give birthday or Christmas gifts, is on Musthaver, imagine how easy it will make your shopping when it’s time to buy gifts. You would simply look up their profile, check out what they WANT and go from there. It’s that easy.
The only downside to the app is the requirement to have an account on either Facebook or Twitter. I cannot imagine anyone not having one or the other, but there may be users out there who do not have those accounts. Opening up the app so users can create accounts based on just an email will bring in more traffic and more exposure to products.
As is, though, this app provides a fun and easy way to share with other exactly what you like, what you already have and what you think about it, and finally, what you just gotta have.