Sometimes, you just need to have a PDF to share a document or content that is truly read-only. Sometimes, the only device you have access to is your mobile or the file you need to convert is easily accessible via …
Let’s face it, you simply cannot get away without using some sort of social media or messaging app in this day and age, and while my husband still balks when our kids choose to IM instead of call, the reality …
It’s no surprise that as technology we use to take video grows in its capacity to capture increasing levels of detail and quality, the files produced are equally as complex and large, requiring special software that can handle them. More …
A very high level of the game has you look at one word and then create a new from it, changing one or two letters, using a hint word. The words are stacked one atop the other. The top word …
The toilet is clogging and is clogging fast, with doody literally raining from above, and you are a ninja hanging from a rope tied on the top of the ceiling. Your job is to make sure the toilet does not …
Travelling is one of the most freeing activity you can do in your life, and Alpacr makes that experience seem more enjoyable by making it very easy for you. It makes use of the concept of learning from other’s experience, …