Mind stimulating games are one of the best games that have survived through history. Chess, Checkers, and Puzzles. These games have been known to help people exercise their minds and this way, help their minds function better. The best part …
Imagine a breezy Sunday evening. After a heavy lunch, you are relaxing on your extra comfy couch, with no work to do. You take out your smartphone and randomly start going through the chats with your friends. You cannot help …
If you have a smartphone and you like to play games on it, chances are you’ve tried a poker app at one point or another. There are simply so many games in this category that it’s almost impossible for a …
Transferring files from iPhone to Windows or vice versa can be very difficult at times. Currently, there are a lot of apps that can help you to safely send and receive media files. Among these apps, WinX MediaTrans is widely …
Did you know that you can now share your story with the future without having to be there? Puzzled? Well, everyone has a touch of their own history that they would love to share with family, friends, and generations to …
Advancement in technology has brought about a new system of learning. Children do not have to be in the confine of their classroom to learn anymore. The focus is now on the use of the internet and educational app for …