Money management is essential to making every dollar stretch to help you pay bills on a daily basis and to help you stay on track for future plans and expenses. Using a spreadsheet works but is not as easy to …
AppsandApplications Articles.
Most people you ask would say they don’t believe in fortune-telling, but if given the chance to have someone tell them a fortune or even predict something, they might give in just for the fun of it. Many actually believe …
There are a lot of apps out there that claim to help bring peace and calm to your life in a variety of ways. You can practice yoga, mindfulness, meditation, and more. While all options are related in many ways, …
Many years ago, when you needed to rent a car, you would call a car rental agency and work with an agent. After the internet boom, that process transitioned to the use of websites and online booking/management of rentals. Now, …
Test your ability to react quickly and maneuver your motorbike in a race to deliver food to hungry customers. Noodles Now: Mars Needs Noodles is a fast-paced intoxicating game that serves up tons of entertainment for players of all ages. …
Nothing’s worse than going to the store to return something and not having your receipt on hand. You rummage through your pockets and bags – and nothing. Now, with ReceiptFriend you won’t need to worry about where you put that …