Over time there have been certain matches made in heaven. There are couples out there that have been married for several decades, players in football that have played for just the one club, and television hosts that are a great fit for their respective show. Some pairings just simply work and this can lead to some great entertainment.
On that last point, one notable example of this is Noel Edmonds and the long-running Channel 4 show Deal or No Deal which, over the years has seen multiple reinventions into the worlds of handheld gaming, as well as casino games. On that second example, the inclusion of a Deal Or No Deal game on websites such as Paddy Power demonstrates the far-reaching appeal of one of Britain’s most recognizable game shows which has allowed it to enter into the sphere of casino games. As such, multiple variants exist, ranging from slots to live casinos, which allows for it to continue its universal appeal. It also helps in giving players a multitude of options when deciding which games to play.
Another reason why it makes for a great casino game is the nature of the original game show. Firstly, the fact it was a rather simple show to understand translates into the realms of the different games it has spawned. More importantly, however, Deal Or No Deal was a game built on the premise of suspense, especially with the Banker’s sudden interruptions with the ominous phone ringing. This extends into the casino games that exist with the Banker’s bonuses that pop up at different times during the course of the game’s run – these can come with their own raft of hidden bonuses that can be found within the slots.

On a broader level too, the innovations experienced by online casinos since the dawn of the Internet have allowed games such as Deal or No Deal to become as popular as they have. The advent of HTML5 has given online casinos better technology to use behind the scenes to make games look and feel a lot more exciting. For instance, protocols such as <canvas> that HTML5 has introduced the ability to hold animations coded in JavaScript. This has offered web designers a much wider scope when deciding what to create, be it cool GUIs or interesting animations. In addition, the <canvas> element has also given designers the ability to properly scale and rotate items, which is certainly useful for slot games like those used in the Deal Or No Deal games. In addition, the rise of the Internet has, on a fundamental level, given online casinos the ability to offer a vast range of games that have come to include those based on well-known TV shows, be it game shows or otherwise.
There’s no doubt that thanks to both technological innovation as well as the game’s original foundations that Deal Or No Deal makes for a great casino game. On successful endeavors such as that, everything comes together to make for an overall enjoyable experience and with the way the industry looks to be going, this will only get better.