Yboo – Easily Find a Great Date Fast

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  1. At best this app is useless for the advertised task. None of the several people who responded to me lived any closer than 2000 miles away and some lived farther. How is that supposed to help? There is no way to indicate where you live, except in your model “date” but there is no way to edit that model once you finish it so, if you didn’t think to put your location there (and who would?) your done. I deleted the app and canceled the subscription after 4 days.

    At worst, this is scam and the “interested” people (note I am not saying women) are there to get guys to stay on long enough for the free period to expire and be charged. The one person I am chatting with waited all of 2 days to ask me to spend between $50 and $100 on her “son.” She doesn’t use punctuation in her messages, recycles photos and puts the dollar sign after the number.

    Avoid this app at all costs!!!

  2. Hi. People are friendly on the site, but I live in South Dakota, so the closest women I’ve seen are over 590 miles from me, and some over 7,000 miles. Ouch.

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