Missing a single dose of medication can prove disastrous if you are suffering from a serious ailment. The medicines prescribed by your doctor must be taken in the precise amount and at the right time for them to work favorably …
It is rightly said that recovery is about progression, not perfection. To make sure that people struggling with substance dependence keep progressing in their journey to full recovery, Eudaimonia has taken another great step in their mission to provide sober …
AudiobooksNow is one of the best audiobooks app available on the Apple App store, which is gaining a huge popularity amongst its users. Having a selection of over 12000 books from every popular author, you would find every bestselling books …
I don’t know about you, but over the years I have accumulated a great deal of music on my iPhone and depending on where I got the music file from and how old the file is, the file itself may …
If you love numbers and math, then there is a game that you should consider downloading. It’s called Seqitaire, kind of a play on words with solitaire, but the game play is very different and far more involved. In this …
These days gamers have their pick from a variety of gaming options. From high intensity battles to mind expanding educational apps. There are those that take advantage of today’s powerful chips, boasting realistic graphics, imagery and sound. And there are …